The grass might be greener, but it’s just as hard to mow!

What colour is that in the back of my photo? Is that grass? GREEN grass? For the past 8 months or so, the paddocks have been bare. Then in January the flooding rain came. The grass grew like the clappers! Day 2 of the rain and the grass was longer each time you walked outside. Now look at it! Tall, green, lush grass. Lucky I don’t have to mow the lawn. If I did, I’d just put a mob of horses in the yard. There’s much nicer things to do in this lovely part of the country than mow the grass.

The photos attached are of a property we were going to muster over the weekend. The rains interrupted our plans, unfortunately. Maybe next weekend 🙂

Avagogully (have a go gully), a nice boggy little spot we put cattle through when mustering this property.
Mother and child. How sweet.